
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Whishey chugs

Has anyone else noticed the insaine amount of whiskey chugging videos on youtube? some of them are the normal, chug a pint videos, but other people on there are really going for the gold and trying to finish a liter or more. I was poking around and noticed a few that seemed pretty real,usually drunk guys at a party, but then i stumbled across one where the guy was completely alone and trying to chug a liter of Canadian pisskey. I thought it was  hilarious and had to share it on my blog. The other videos usally had the person folding to peer pressure while a crowd cheered him to the bottom of the bottle, but not this hero. He is completely alone while he tries to choke down this bottle of whiskey. He starts gagging several times in the video, but that doesn't stop him. He knows he has his youtube fans to impress and continues on with the bottle without any moral support. My favorite part was at 2:15 where you think he is done after setting down the bottle, but he picks it right back up for one last hoorah. +1 for this trooper.


  1. Dear god! I can chug a lot of beer but that? Amazing, yet stupid!

  2. What a shithead, what damage is he doing to himself.

  3. whishey whishey get your whishey, lol hurr durr sry

  4. hilarious, i was actually laughing by the end of this. Guaranteed, this guy suffers from some combination of mental retardation,manic depression, codependancy issues and a serious case of stank, shithead moron. Thats my diagnoses.

  5. jesus, thats crazy he will mess up his life

  6. So did that wine drinking friend of yours get into any law school?

  7. Oh, so THAT'S why college aged kids are so stupid now. I thought it was just bad genes. My mistake.

  8. "Well boys, it's 9AM. Time for me to get shitfaced"

  9. Oh man that made me want to go hang over my toilet lol :)
