
Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Hey guys, I figured I would make a post about my credentials that way you know you're getting the opinion of a man that really loves his whiskey. I don't have any formal credentials, but I do have a lot of first hand tasting experience. The pictures below are of the whiskey wall that my roommate and I have created from the past year's whiskey drinking(with a few jokes thrown in there, like a can of Busch, and a couple of our 40s). By past year I mean from January to now. I have had plenty of other whiskeys, but these are the ones that I have had at my apartment and felt like throwing on our shelves. As you can see most of them are bourbon and a lot of those bourbons are Ten High and Old Grand-Dad. That's because these are the best bourbons for the price. I also drink a bunch of beer and even brew my own when I can. I might throw some posts up about beer once my blog gets going or if people want me to, but I don't have as much of a palate for it, so i will keep it off for now. That being said, I am attaching a picture of our beer collage as well.


  1. credentials accepted. that seriously looks like a couple of shelves from a liquor store.

  2. credentials accepted. that seriously looks like a couple of shelves from a liquor store.

  3. haha quite the collection, keep it up :D

  4. that is one massive collection. keep it going!

  5. That is...quite a collection there. I feel like I should collect my wine bottles just to parry you. haha

  6. This collection is only a year old? I'm bowing down.

  7. that is one impressive collection... you have passed the background test sir

  8. Ten High? I am questioning your taste, but not your commitment. I would like to see an Ezra Brooks review, in my opinion one of the better bourbons and values out there today. Ninety proof, and half the cost of Jack, with a better flavor, I think. I'll do the Ten high in a money pinch, or Evan Williams, push to shove.

  9. Don't worry I don't actually think Ten High tastes good, I only buy so much because it is the best of the shitty whiskeys, along with Evan Williams, which you have already pointed out. I will definitely get one of Ezra up there soon, it's a fine bourbon for the price
